Why You Need Customs Specialists Who Know Their Stuff  

Let’s face it, importing and exporting goods isn’t for the faint-hearted. Whether you’re moving a mountain of machinery or a single crate of coffee, there’s always the impending spectre of customs procedures, tariffs, and regulations ready to upend you.  Enter customsagent.ie.  The ultimate Customs Specialists. We’ve got the know-how, the experience, and the determination to…

Where to Begin with Importing and Exporting:

Trading outside of the EU it can seem daunting, however with careful planning and the right resources, it is all very possible and can open up significant opportunities for you and your business.    The importer is the liable party so it is vital to have a solid grasp of the fundamental concepts to determine the…

A Green Routing Doesn’t Mean Audit Compliance.

Beware the rationale that you are audit compliant simply because your goods have been Green Routed to move through a border.  Products are often given the go ahead based on information declared and which on the face of it looks legitimate however, errors and misdeclarations lie therein rendering these declarations noncompliant. The word customs agent…